History of the centre begins at the end of 60’s with formation of information centres based on record keeping of the first special divisions in the former Soviet Union. In Latvia, based on Order No.0319 of the Ministry of the Interior of USSR, dated by 4 June 1970, the Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior was established.
Initially, the Centre consisted of 7 divisions and there were 42 employees. During the time, with development of new information systems, number of structural units of the Centre has doubled, while number of employees of the Centre has increased almost five times – there are more than 190 employees working in the Centre (incl. 41 employee with special rank grade). The Centre has become manager or holder of technical resources for more than 20 information systems.
During the time, the Centre has undergone several reorganizations, as well as change of the name, but currently, its initial name has been restored to the Information Centre. Currently, principal functions of the Centre are related to actualization of data and ensuring of their receipt in online regimen. A training room is furnished in the premises of the Information Centre, which is equipped with computers and large-screen monitor, to ensure training of users of information systems.