

The Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior (IC MoI) in cooperation with the State Police (SP) and the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) implements the project “Improvement of the Schengen Information System” (hereinafter - the Project)  in the framework of the National Security Fund National Programme 2014 - 2020.

Project goal: Improvement of the National Schengen Information System (SIS) II and SIRENE data flow information system, as well as the related national information systems in accordance with the requirements of the SIS legal package of 28 November 2018.

Project implementation period: 12.08.2020. – 31.12.2022.

Total project eligible cost budget: EUR 2 327 000,00.

88.18% in the amount of EUR 2,052,00.00 is financed from IDF funds.

11.82% in the amount of EUR 275,000.00 is financed from the state budget.

Project activities:

  1.  Project management and administration.
  2. Introduction of Eu-LISA releases and improvement of related national IS.
  3. Improvement of the return process and development of supporting IS.
  4. Purchase of biometric data processing equipment.

Project results:

  1. The system improvement works specified in the eu-LISA technical documentation have been performed (releases introduced).
  2. The integration of return decisions into the SIS II is ensured.
  3. 30 biometric data processing kits were purchased. Each set will consist of: finger and palm, desktop computer, computer monitor, SLR camera, pull-out, roll-up photography background without a tripod, with a ruler.

Contact person:

Aija Vule

Project manager
+371 20259623