

The Information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior implements the project “Modernization of the Technological Platform of the Biometric Data Processing System Round I” No. IC/PMIF/2020/1 in the framework of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund programme 2014-2020.

Project goal:

Prepare the technological platform for the Biometric Data Processing System by improving the performance and capacity of the platform's biometric search, thus ensuring the expected increase in the volume of data processed under the Eurodac Regulation.

Project implementation period: 31.07.2020. – 30.11.2021.

Funding: EUR 958 396 (of which financed from the Fund: EUR 718 797, state budget: EUR 239 599).

Biometric search engine software replacement and capacity increase:

  • Purchase of server resources;
  • Purchase of licenses for biometric search engines;
  • Search engine license integration and data migration to new search engines.

Purchased and installed:

  • Servers;
  • Search engine licenses;
  • Search engine licenses have been integrated and data has been migrated to new search engines.

Contact person:

Ieva Jansone

Project manager


Tel. +371 67208643