Functions, tasks, goals

The use of the information system strengthens the public order and the security in the territory of the Member States of the European Union by ensuring the availability of reports (a set of data to be included in the information system on persons, objects or documents) to the competent institutions and authorities of the Member States.

Legal basis

Convention of 19 June 1990 implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders (Schengen Convention)

Law on the Operation of the Schengen Information System (adopted on 14.06.2007, entered into force on 01.09.2007, as amended on 20.12.2012, amendments have entered into force on 23.01.2013)

Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia of 18.09.2007  No. 639 “Procedures for the Entering, Correction and Deletion of Alerts in the Schengen Information System, as well as Ensuring Accessibility of Supplementary Information between the SIRENE Latvia Bureau and Procedures for the Exchange of Supplementary Information of Institutions and Authorities”

Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia of 11.09.2007 No. 622 “Procedures for the Request and Issue of Information Regarding a Data ‎Subject that is Kept in the Schengen Information System and the SIRENE ‎Information System”.

Accrued information:

  • Missing persons who are being searched;
  • Stolen vehicles and vehicle registration numbers;
  • Lost, invalid documents and document forms;
  • Banknotes;
  • Weapons.

Who provides information for inclusion in the information system?

  • Valsts policija;
  • Valsts drošības dienests;
  • Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta Finanšu policija;
  • Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta Muitas kriminālpārvalde;
  • Korupcijas novēršanas un apkarošanas birojs;
  • Valsts robežsardze;
  • Pilsonības un migrācijas lietu pārvalde;
  • Militārā policija;
  • prokuratūras iestādes;
  • tiesas;
  • Ieslodzījuma vietu pārvalde;
  • Satversmes aizsardzības birojs.

How is the information provided for inclusion in the information system?

In automated data transmission mode (if it is not possible to create an alert in automated data transmission mode, the message will be created in online data transmission mode and included in the Schengen Information System).

Systems from which information is received

  • Home Affairs Integrated Information System;
  • Schengen Information System (central).

 Systems where information is provided

  • Schengen Information System (central).

How can I receive information from the information system?

  • by using the information system in the online data transmission mode.

Who can receive information from the information system?

  • Valsts policija;
  • Valsts drošības dienests;
  • Valsts robežsardze;
  • pašvaldības policija;
  • Militārā policija;
  • Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta Finanšu policija;
  • Pilsonības un migrācijas lietu pārvalde;
  • Ceļu satiksmes drošības direkcija;
  • Korupcijas novēršanas un apkarošanas birojs;
  • Ārlietu ministrijas Konsulārajam departaments;
  • Latvijas Republikas diplomātiskajās un konsulārajās pārstāvniecības;
  • Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta Muitas kriminālpārvalde;
  • Ieslodzījuma vietu pārvalde;
  • prokuratūras iestādes;
  • tiesas;
  • Satversmes aizsardzības birojs;
  • Competent authorities and institutions of the Member States of the Schengen Convention or of the countries applying the provisions of the Schengen acquis the data subject (or a person authorized by him/her) may receive information about himself/herself.

How is training in working with the information system organized?

If the user needs training in working with the information system, contact the department staff. Training is mandatory when granting a user data entry / correction rights.



Basic information on SIS

  • The Schengen information system (SIS) is an international system for the search of persons and objects in which the law enforcement authorities of the Schengen area States (including the State border Guard) may include alert alerts on criminals, missing persons, third-country nationals who have been denied stay in the Schengen area States, persons who, for the needs of the judicial authorities, need to ascertain their actual place of residence, persons and objects being searched in their own countries, as well as on the misappropriated means of transport causing them.
  • The country entering the alert and related data in SIS is the “data owner”. This means that only this country is allowed and can update and delete the alert.
  • in 2013, the second generation SIS (SIS II) was introduced with additional functions such as the possibility to add fingerprints and photographs to alerts. Since March 2023, DNA profiles of persons declared lost or their parents, grandparents or brothers and sisters have been stored in SIS in order to confirm their identity.
  • The functions of the system manager in relation to the State Department of SIS (NSIS) shall be performed by the information Centre of the Ministry of the Interior. It shall ensure the technical functioning of THE NSIS and shall monitor compliance with the technical requirements laid down in the laws and regulations governing the functioning of the SIS.


SIS legal framework

  • Regulation (EU) 2018/1860 on the use of the Schengen information system for the return of illegally staying third-country nationals;
  • Regulation (EU) 2018/1861 on the establishment, operation and use of the Schengen information system (SIS) in the field of border checks;
  • Regulation (EU) 2018/1862 on the establishment, operation and use of the Schengen information system (SIS) in police cooperation and judicial cooperation in criminal matters.


In the Republic of Latvia, the procedures for the maintenance and use of SIS shall be determined by:

  • Act on the functioning of the Schengen information system (adopted on 14.6.2007)
  • The procedures by which reports in the Schengen information system shall be included, corrected and deleted, as well as ensuring the accessibility of additional information to the SIRENE Latvian Bureau, and the procedures by which institutions and institutions shall exchange additional information (Cabinet Regulation No. 639 of 18.09.2007);
  • Procedures for requesting and issuing information regarding the data subject, which is stored in the Schengen information system and SIRENE information system (Cabinet Regulation No. 622 of 11.09.2007).


Operational objectives of SIS and purposes of processing of personal data

  • ensuring the security of the Schengen area without carrying out checks at internal borders;
  • strengthening public order and Schengen area on national territory;
  • contribute to the fight against terrorism, cross-border crime and illegal migration;
  • serve as a cooperation tool for border, immigration, police, customs and judicial authorities in the EU and Schengen associated countries;
  • searching for criminals, missing persons, third-country nationals who are denied access to Schengen countries, persons who need to know their actual place of residence, persons and objects of operational interest for judicial purposes, as well as identifying offenders on the basis of fingerprints and fingerprints;
  • prevent the abduction or disappearance of persons, including children, to protect vulnerable persons (adults or children) from illegal removals abroad.


Data subjects

(persons covered by alert messages in SIS)

  • third-country nationals subject to return decisions;
  • third-country nationals who do not have the right to enter or stay in the Schengen area;
  • persons sought for arrest;
  • missing persons;
  • vulnerable persons whose travel must not be allowed;
  • children who could be abducted by their parents, relatives or guardians;
  • persons sought to assist in judicial proceedings (e.g. witnesses to criminal proceedings);
  • persons and objects subject to discreet, investigative or special checks:
  • unknown persons wanted (fingerprints and palm marks discovered at the scene of terrorist offences or other serious crimes);


Categories of data

  • identification of the person sought (at least given name and surname; year of birth);
  • photographs of the person sought *;
  • fingerprints and/or palm prints of the person sought *;
  • information on the objects related to the person sought, such as the vehicle used by the person sought;
  • a description or a copy of the identification document of the person sought;
  • dactyloscopic data (fingerprints and/or palm marks *) detected at crime scenes;
  • DNA profile of the person sought or of the members of his family * (only in the case of missing persons to be protected);
  • The European arrest warrant (EAW) (if a person is sought for arrest);
  • data on victims of identity abuse.


Other data entered in SIS alerts:

  • a reference to the decision on which the alert is based;
  • action to take.

* Biometric data are used to facilitate identification and avoid misidentification.


Access to SIS data

The authorities specified in Section 14 of the Law on the operation of the Schengen information system, including the State border Guard, shall have access to the information included in the system in accordance with the competence specified in the regulatory enactments regulating the operation of the SIS.


Retention period for SIS data

Data recorded in SIS may only be stored in the system for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose of the alert. Once this is achieved, the data is deleted immediately.

More details on the storage of SIS data can be found here:


Rights of data subjects in relation to SIS:

  • the right to receive information about itself (right of access) as well as information about the recipients of personal data, unless the disclosure of such information is prohibited by law in the field of national security, defence and criminal law, as well as if restrictions on the issuance of data have not been imposed by another Member State;
  • the right to rectification or erasure of data where they are incomplete, obsolete, false, unlawfully obtained or no longer necessary for the purpose of the collection;
  • the right to lodge a complaint or to bring an action.


How to enforce rights?

The data subject may exercise the right of access and receive information regarding further action in relation to the right to rectification and deletion of data by submitting a written submission (signed in person or with a secure electronic signature) to the State Police (SIRENE in the national Unit of Latvia[1], Riga, Čiekurkalna line 1, Corps 4, telephone 67219053, e-mail:, or according to his or her place of residence in a police unit, or in diplomatic missions of the Republic of Latvia.

Contact details of diplomatic or consular missions of the Republic of Latvia are available at:


A written request shall specify:

  • information regarding the submitter: given name (names), surname, date of birth, personal identity number (if any), place of birth, nationality, type, number of the personal identification document (if any), name of the issuing authority, date of issue and term of validity;
  • the amount of information to be requested (information regarding the data subject, information regarding the recipients of personal data of the data subject);
  • type of receipt of information (by visiting the State Police institution or representation in person or sending information to the indicated address);

When submitting an on-site request, the data subject shall prove his or her identity by presenting a personal identification document. If the request is submitted by an authorised person, it shall present a notarially certified authorisation confirming the right to receive information regarding the data subject or a document confirming the rights of parents, adopters, guardians or trustees.


Receiving information is free of charge. The answer shall be given within 1 month.

Requests may be made by persons in Latvian and English. Model requests are available on the official website of the State Police:

If the reply provided by the Latvian national Department of the State Police SIRENE refuses to provide information or refuses to correct or delete data, the data subject has the right to submit a complaint to the national supervisory authority of the Member State. Applications may be submitted to the data State Inspectorate in Latvian and English.

contact details: national data inspection,


address: Ally Street 17, Riga, Latvia, LV-1050

Additional information and sample complaints (in Latvian and English languages) are available on the official website of the data State Inspectorate:


[1]SIRENE Latvian national Unit:

  • ensure the exchange of information between the law enforcement authorities of the Member States on persons or objects for which a report is included in the Schengen information system;
  • ensure the promulgation of wanted criminals in international search systems;
  • ensure the quality and legal soundness of the messages to be included in SIS — compliance with the requirements of the Schengen acquis;
  • co-ordinate the search activities of foreign law enforcement institutions for criminals and missing persons in Latvia.
  • is the only authority in a country empowered to examine applications by natural persons and to respond to the maintenance of the applicant's data in the SIS and SIRENE information system (a data processing system in which additional information is processed and by which warning messages are processed).