Functions, tasks, goals
The register is used in the prevention and combating of crime, ensuring the collection, updating and dissemination of information on land motor vehicles registered in the Republic of Latvia and abroad and vehicle registration plates lost, illegally seized and for other reasons declared for search in the Republic of Latvia (except bicycles, mopeds, tractors and their trailers, trams and trolleybuses).
Legal basis
Accumulated information
Information regarding land vehicles and state registration plates of vehicles registered in the Republic of Latvia and abroad that have been lost, illegally alienated and declared for search for another reason (except for tractor equipment, tractor equipment trailers, mopeds, bicycles, trams and trolleybuses).
Who provides the information for inclusion in the information system?
- Valsts policija;
- Valsts drošības dienests.
How is information provided for inclusion in the information system?
Using input in online data transmission mode.
Systems from which information is received
- Transportlīdzekļu un to vadītāju valsts reģistrs;
- Vienotais notikumu reģistrs.
Systems where information is provided
- Šengenas informācijas sistēma;
- Interpol informācijas sistēma;
- Transportlīdzekļu un to vadītāju valsts reģistrs;
- Vienotais notikumu reģistrs.
Who can receive information from the information system?
- Valsts robežsardze;
- Valsts policija;
- Valsts drošības iestādes;
- Prokuratūras iestādes;
- Korupcijas novēršanas un apkarošanas birojs;
- Valsts ieņēmumu dienests;
- Saeimas valsts un prezidenta dienests;
- Pašvaldības policija;
- Ceļu satiksmes drošības direkcija;
- Tiesas;
- Citas valsts un pašvaldību iestādes, kurām to darbību regulējošos normatīvajos aktos ir noteiktas tiesības iepazīties ar attiecīga rakstura informāciju, lai veiktu iestādes funkcijas;
- Ārvalstu kompetentās iestādes saskaņā ar noslēgtajiem starptautiskajiem līgumiem.
How is training in working with the information system organized?
If the user needs training in working with the information system, contact the department staff. Training is mandatory when granting a user data entry/correction rights.
Other information
Since 2006, the information system has been included in the Integrated Home Affairs Information System.